Degree Planning

1. e-Banking and Finance with thesis

The online masters program for executives in banking and finance is composed of 7 courses and a thesis. There is also a non-credit seminar course for the thesis studies. Four of the courses are Core Courses (must be taken). The other 3 courses can be selected from the list of Elective Courses.For information about course fees, please click to see.

2. e-Banking and Finance without thesis

The online masters without thesis program for executives in banking and finance is composed of 10 courses and a project. Four of the courses are Core Courses (must be taken). The other 6 courses can be selected from the list of Elective Courses. For information about course fees, please click to see.

3.e-Hotel Management without thesis

The online masters without thesis program for executives in hospitality management is composed of 10 courses and a project. Four of the courses are Core Courses (must be taken). The other 6 courses can be selected from the list of Elective Courses. For information about course fees, please click to see.